Sunday, March 15, 2020

Public Legal Abuse Act - Stop Pro Se Abuse

Public Legal Abuse Act (Pro Se Abuse) 

Introduced By: Tim Shilling, Christian Stahl, Wanda and Rymir Satterthwaite

An Act
AN Act to prohibit courts, attorneys and others from imposing legal abuse on the Public or Pro Se litigants which deprives them of their constitution rights, 1st and 14th Amendment, etc. of fair due process to ensure their rights have not been violated in family, civil and criminal court. 

WHEREAS, no litigation will be concluded on fraud, mispresentation or lack of fact finding and due processing; litigations where imposing of fees or sanction must be fully litigated with discovery and fact finding before becoming final.

WHEREAS, millions of innocent citizens have been violated knowingly by the court because they are Pro Se.  Pro Se persons are in the public and public pays the taxes;

WHEREAS,  The public who have been abused in the legal system by an attorney, judge, staff knowingly by violation their constitutional rights such as 1st and  14th amendment.

WHEREAS , all persons who are sanction and/or place in jail must have had discovery, fact finding of some sort of hearing to confirm these matters with compete accurate court record.
Be It Entaced by Legislation of the United States of America:

Section 1. Any person who violates a person rights after having time to correct their error but does not do so will be investigated by separate Federal Public Legal Abuse Committee.

Section 2.  Any person who violates a person rights to fairness in a court of law will be sanction and removed from office.

Section 3. To seek an independent Board who will provided oversight of “Oath Breakers”.  To review files for accuracy and authenticity and report on these findings to agencies necessary and public.

Section 4. Add a penalty clause in Title 42 for violation of a judge's oath of office and back it up in Article V of the Pa. Constitution.

4.1 Add a government immunity exception to allow citizens to sue for injunctive and declaratory relief.  Abolish per curiam orders.  Make judges sign orders.

Section 5. Remove discretionary language from the code.  For example instead of a judge may a judge shall.  
5.1 Abolish campaign finance contributions from lawyers to judges.  Judges are funded by the lawyers who appear before them.  This is sort of like having the tobacco industry solely fund the FDA). Abolish "retention votes"  make judges run for office.

Section 6. Put video in the courtrooms and allow public access and allow parties to Seal Records when allegations of crime arises.

Section 7.  Electronically publish decisions, statistics and judge/lawyer associations.   For example a Judge who is running for retention but there is no record of her rulings published anywhere. 

Section 8.  Take Judicial Discipline out of the Judiciary and put it with the Ethics Commission.   End the Senior Judge program, make them retire.

Section 9.  Reform family court and enable pro se litigants to get answers that is accurate and right. The complexity of the law should not require a lawyer.

Section 10.   Make all family court orders immediately appealable as of right (interim, temporary interlocutory orders allow and engender abuse). Review what shakes out of the courts for a year and see where further improvements could be made.

Section 11. Take “conflict” out of custody (HB 1397 presumption is of shared custody).
Also, take “conflict” out of support but base it on need after a person's reasonable expenditures: (rent, mortgage, car, food, clothing, a few discretionary dollars) and ACTUAL earnings not theoretical "earnings' capacities.

Section 12. Abolish Title IV - D and E - this is an incentive for bad behavior.  The DRO needs to be shuttered.  Some Counties are manufacturing imbalanced outcomes to generate child support reimbursement incentives.  Family asset fleecing and forfeiture.

Paternity - expedite and map it to the actual parent.  Married men have had a rude awakening in the courts when they learned their wife cheated on them making children they thought was theirs or in some cases they knew they weren't leading to divorce only to find out the courts consider any child born in a marriage theirs. 

We know of a fellow who was a truck driver who fell behind in child support.  They revoked his driver's license.  He could not find employment that paid as well.  They insisted he pay like a truck driver.  They took his child.  They threw him in jail again and again.  They extorted his family and friends.  He sat handcuffed in a holding cell for 3 days eventually bailed out again.   Politicians are all well aware of what is going on and must take action.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Dr. Lillie Coley, Wanda and Rymir Satterthewaite Files Grievances to Protect Themselves and the Public from A Constitutional Crisis Involving High Profile Case of Shawn Corey Carter Jay Z

Yes, Dr. Lillie Coley, Wanda and Rymir Satterthewaite Files Grievances to Protect Themselves and the Public from A Constitutional Crisis and Allege Attorney Corruption Involving High Profile Case of Nine(9) Years

Please be advised that Lillie Coley, PhD, Wanda and Rymir Satterthewaite are in the

 purist of Justice for fair due process with the 14th Amendment among others.

Having filed today, March 9, 2020 with Disciplinary Board of Supreme Court 

of Pennsylvania involving allegation on Attorney misconduct by 

Attorney Lise Fisher Hark or Lise Fisher regarding allegations of misconduct 

in cases involving these parties from August 2012 to present.  Allegations 

include but not limited to: fraud, perjury, obstruction and concealment of evidence.

In advance of our filing today, we proposed to the investigating agencies 

and our political affiliates in multiple jurisdictions to begin discussions with 

the Constitutional Crisis Committees to protect the public so we can find 

solutions to these issues. These groups have agreed to proceed with those 
discussions and we look forward to starting them soon.

Associated parties within the government have also filed previous allegations

with several Attorney General’s Offices. These cases involve a high profile 

person Shawn Carter aka Jay Z.

Parties are considered allege victims of the legal system.  The propaganda of those in American who 

participate in court corruption is considered “oath breakers”.  

Similar Action filed Here(Link)

Fraud Documents -
Caption: Lillie Coley vs Shawn Carter & Wanda Satterthwaite

Some References Links:

NY Daily News Associate Party to Case -